Transition to parenthood

Pregnancy and birth

Finances and benefits

Parenting advice and support


Single parents

  • Gingerbread; single parents, equal families. A national charity wanting a society in which single parent families are treated equally and fairly, providing information to help single parents support themselves and their family, campaigning and influencing policy to reduce stigma against single parents, and make services more accessible to all families – whatever their shape or size. Find out more: Home – Gingerbread.
  • This site is an information site for anyone who is raising children on their own, whether through relationship breakup, illness, bereavement, work commitments or choice. It is run by Single Parent Action Network, a campaigning organisation working to make sure that your stories and your questions about single parenting are an important part of the social and political agenda- | The Parenting Site for Single Parents


Looking after your own emotional and mental health and wellbeing

Transition into nursery


Support around costs

  • You may be able to get 30 hours free childcare if you live in England and your child is 3 to 4 years old. Find out more at: 30 hours free childcare – GOV.UK (

Health and wellbeing

Transition into primary school/ school readiness


Health and wellbeing

Transition to high school


Health and wellbeing

Other useful information

  • LawStuff provides free legal information to children and young people. The education section is about your education and going to school. It looks at what can be done if you are being bullied, need extra help at school or if you have been excluded from school. Click here to find out more: –

Transition to university


  • University can be a very exciting time in your life, but it can also be a big change from school or college. It is normal to face challenges as you transition from one part of your life to another. By knowing what to expect and having a resource to help you navigate the ups and downs, you’re setting yourself up for success over the next several years. Click here if you are currently in school or college: Know Before You Go – Student Minds. Click here if you are currently a university student: Transition into University – Student Minds

Health and wellbeing

  • “Fresher” students going to university for the first time should make sure they’ve had the MenACWY vaccine to prevent meningitis and septicaemia, which can be deadly. Click here to find out more- MenACWY vaccine – NHS (
  • Being well prepared for your exams is the best way to overcome stress and anxiety, and gives you the best chance of getting good grades- click here for more advice Tips on preparing for exams – NHS (
  • University can be a stressful experience, as well as being fun and exciting. You may feel stressed about starting university, exams, coursework deadlines, living with people you do not get on with, or thinking about the future. Click here for NHS information on how to manage student stress- Student stress – NHS (

Other useful information

  • LawStuff provides free legal information to young people on topics such as education, abuse and bullying, police and the law, online safety, your rights, sex, health and drugs, and much more. Click here to find out more: –

Transition from children’s to adult services


Finding work


Emotional wellbeing

You and the law

  • LawStuff provides free legal information to young people on topics such as education, abuse and bullying, police and the law, online safety, your rights, sex, health and drugs, and much more. Click here to find out more: –

Transition leaving care

Leaving foster or local authority care


Finding work


Emotional wellbeing

You and the law

  • LawStuff provides free legal information to young people on topics such as education, abuse and bullying, police and the law, online safety, your rights, sex, health and drugs, and much more. Click here to find out more: –
